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SoulFit Online Exercise Classes

Join us for our latest online class - Twenty’s Plenty - the big brother of our very popular Fit in 15 program.


For 2020 we will have 10 classes over 10 weeks, we step through a range of exercises to help stay health, fit, strong and energised.


This year we will be offering 5 strength focussed classes, 3 for Cardio and 2 for stretch and mobility.


Classes will be available as a recording so you can build on, add to and repeat each session as many times as you wish.  The program will run over 10 weeks but recordings are available for a month after the end of the program.


You can repeat each session as many times as you wish as each week you have one more exercise session to choose from.


Session 1 Strength

Session 2 Cardio

Session 3 Strength

Session 4 Stretch & Mobility

Session 5 Cardio

Session 6 Strength

Session 7 Cardio

Session 8 Strength

Session 9 Stretch & Mobility

Session 10 Strength 


Class recordings available for one month after session 10 is released on May 30th making the whole program available until the 30th June.


The classes will be a mix of different components each specificly designed to feel simple, helping to strengthen and support your body.  Mix and match our range of mini programs and feel what a difference exercise can offer when it is gentle and consistent.


Sign up for Twenty’s Plenty 2020 today and make that step towards enjoying fitness and vitality.


To view first class view click on video thumbnail above or click here

20's PLENTY 2020


    © 2021 - SoulFit

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